Chapter Nineteen

Kirk and Melanie stepped out of the elevator accompanied by a lovely young girl named Michelle. They’d managed to make her believe Taylor had asked to meet her. When they walked in, Beatriz stood up from the couch where she was having a discussion with some others of her kind. “Hello, how are you this evening?” she asked the girl.

“Oh, I’m fine. Are you the guys’ manager? ‘Cause, I thought he was a guy.” She asked, looking around the posh interior.

“I’m just his assistant. I’m so glad you came to see Taylor.” She said as she slowly walked with the girl down the long hallway. She stopped at a closed door, “Well, here we are.” She smiled, then she looked down at the girl, “Taylor’s been feeling a bit down lately. If you could cheer him up it would mean so much to us. When you are done visiting, just knock on the door and Kirk will escort you back to your friends. Do you live here in New York?” she asked.

“Oh no. I’m from New Jersey. Not too far though. When we heard about everything, me and some of my friends just decided to come over and see the guys, you know, let ‘em know we’re still here.” Michelle smiled, her excitement showing. Beatriz smiled back at her, then reached down and quickly turned the lock, not wanting the girl to notice it had been locked in the first place.

Entering the darkened room, Beatriz flipped on the light and put her hands on her hips, looking over at Taylor on the bed. He didn’t move, but his eyes turned toward her. “Taylor!” Beatriz said brightly, “Why are you sitting here in the dark?” In his mind however, he heard something else. “Taylor—sit up now. Your dinner is here. Do with her what you will. But please, don’t make her panic, I have company.” “Michelle is here to see you. Are you feeling better?” she asked, placing her hand to his forehead as he pulled himself up into a sitting position. Immediately, he felt some of the pressure in his head subside.

“Not really.” He said to her, looking into her black eyes.

“Well, you will.” She said and she turned and walked back out the door, shutting it with a loud click.

The moment she was gone, Taylor flopped back down onto the bed.

“Um, I was really excited when they told me you wanted to meet me.” The girl said, walking a little closer. “Are you doing ok? I know you’ve been sick and stuff.” She asked. She was answered with a sniffle. She stepped closer and sat down on the bed beside him. “You looked a little tired on MTV. But, really, you sort of look worse now.” She said looking down at the boy she’d dreamed of meeting for three years. His skin was pale and his eyes glassy.

“I feel worse.” He said, trying not to cry.

“Oh, don’t feel bad, everything is going to get better. You’ll see.” She said with a motherly tone. “What happened?” she asked.

He just shook his head and put his hands over his eyes, wiping away the tears. “Well, how come you wanted to see me?” she asked.

He turned over onto his side so that he was facing her. She had long, wavy brown hair and large dark brown eyes. And a beautiful, creamy long neck just begging to be bitten into. Taylor closed his eyes, willing himself to forget about the warm blood flowing through that tasty looking neck. He snuffled into the covers, trying to concentrate on anything else. “What’s your favorite song?” he asked her, looking into her pretty face.

“Oh gosh, that’s a hard one. Maybe, “Song to Sing”. I love that one.” She smiled at him.

He smiled a very sad smile and said, “It doesn’t have to be a Hanson song.”

“Well,” she said, “that’s my favorite song by anybody. I just…think it’s a great song.”

“Really?” he said.

“Yeah, really.” She said back. “Taylor, what happened? Are you depressed, or I don’t know…like, on drugs or something? I mean, if you don’t want to talk about it, I understand.” He didn’t say anything back to her, he just looked at her. “God, I can’t believe I’m meeting you. I have this poster of you, and I talk to it all the time. Creepy, huh?” she laughed, changing the subject .

“A little.” He said back, “Do I ever talk back?” he said quietly.

“No. Never.” She said. His bangs were falling in his eyes and she was dying to push them away, but she didn’t feel like she could touch him. And yet, she was sitting right there next to him, on his bed. It was definitely a surreal moment for her.

“I guess this is pretty disappointing, huh?” he said to her, turning over onto his back.

“No! I’m just sorry you’re sick.” She said sweetly.

He turned his head and looked again at her, then he pulled his arm out from under the cover. He squeezed her hand, reveling in the warmth of it. She smiled at him, thinking his were incredibly cold. “Um, are you wearing anything under there?” she asked, noticing his bare shoulder.

He looked up at the ceiling, “No. My clothes got messed up and so, lucky you, not only do they drag you here to baby-sit me, but, you get to look at my scrawny body on top of it.”

She giggled and he looked at her, “What?” he asked.

“Not only do I get to baby sit Taylor Hanson, but he’s naked. There’s no way anyone will believe this.” She laughed.

“Thank God.” He said.

She finally gave in and pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes, “Well, I owe you anyway.” She said.

He furrowed his brow, “Yeah? Whatever for?” he asked.

“You saved my life. You and your brothers. And “Weird”.” She said, softly.

“Weird?” he questioned, turning to face her again, wincing as he twisted his knee.

“Yeah.” She sighed, “I was like thirteen and I just knew I was a total freak and no one would understand me or love me…and then I heard it. And it wasn’t just the lyrics, it was the voice. I really really knew, you understood.” She said, “And, I’ve just always wanted to say ‘thank you’ to you all for that. I wasn’t alone anymore after that.”

Taylor looked at her face, her eyes. She was just totally beautiful to him, and he couldn’t imagine her ever feeling like that. And yet, at that moment, he knew exactly what it felt like. Here she was, thanking him for saving her life, and it was all he could do to keep himself from taking it. One look from him and she would close her eyes, and allow him to sink his teeth into that beautiful throat and drink up all of her. And, she would enjoy it and wish she had more to give. “God…” he said, once again having to hold back tears. “I can’t tell you what that means to me…” he said putting his arm over his eyes, then swiping the tears away. “Michelle, thanks for coming to see me. You probably better go though, it’s getting late and I don’t want your friends to get worried. I’d take you back, but…I’m afraid I’d catch cold.” He joked.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. That Kirk guy is gonna walk me back.” She said, standing up.

“You walked?” he asked. “Where did you meet Kirk?”

“Oh, he and some girl were out in front of the hotel. Well, it was just so cool to finally meet you Taylor. I hope you feel better soon. You know, we’re all praying for you.” She said.

“Thanks. Listen, be careful, ok?” he said.

She leaned in close, “Um, I will. You know, I’m sure I’ll never get the chance again, so, you know, a girl’s gotta try…I don’t suppose I could get a hug, could I?” she asked, embarrassed.

He smiled, “I can’t imagine why you’d want to—I’m in desperate need of a shower, but, sure.” She reached down and wrapped her arms around him. He could smell her and feel her heart beating. She released him, and with a smile and a wave, she was knocking on the door and within moments, it was answered and she was led out and the door was locked again with a click.

Taylor looked around the room. It was richly furnished and the marble floor gleamed in the moonlight pouring in through the window. He turned over, thinking he almost couldn’t feel the pain in his stomach anymore. However, he could feel an emptiness there now that was becoming bothersome. His head was better. It didn’t feel like his skull was going to split open anymore , but still, he had a nagging headache. He covered his head with the soft comforter, shielding his eyes from the light. He began to think of his family again. He wanted to call them and tell them he was being held prisoner and have them hire an army to come and rescue him, but he knew, the army would want to kill him as well as his enemies. After all, he’d drunk the blood of his victims just like they had. And, he didn’t want his family anywhere near this place, he’d learned his lesson the last time. He heard the door open and close, but he didn’t move.

Beatriz and Sonya stood over the bed. Taylor was there, but he’d pulled covers over his head completely. Sonya watched Beatriz. She was angry. Suddenly, she pulled the covers away from his face. “Why didn’t you feed?” she demanded. When he didn’t reply, she asked again and again she got no reply. “I told Kirk he could have her.” She said. Now Taylor turned to face her. “Well,” she said, “no need to waste it. I just hope he doesn’t kill her.” She shrugged. “Tomorrow, when I bring another to you, you won’t be able to stop. The hunger won’t go away Taylor.”

He looked at Sonya, “Don’t let them hurt her!” he said.

Beatriz walked closer, “You could have had her yourself and taken as little or as much as you pleased.” She said. “So, if Kirk takes too much, it will be on your head.” She said.

Taylor gave her the most hateful stare he had and she returned it. “Get cleaned up. You’re going to draw flies.” She said to him. Still, he just lay there.

“I said, get up!” she said, her voice becoming louder. Sonya backed up. She’d never seen Beatriz become physical, it’d never been needed in her presence before. Taylor didn’t flinch. When she unceremoniously dumped the mattress, sheets, covers, and Taylor all included onto the floor, he still lay there in a messy heap. Sonya looked up as Mr. Jones appeared in the doorway.

“Lady, is everything alright?” he asked, concerned.

“I want him in the tub. And he’d better smell like roses when I see him again. Change the sheets and once he and this room are clean again, I want him standing in front of me. I’ll be in the library.” She said. She then looked back down at Taylor, he had his arms over his face. He had no clothes on so the only thing she could get hold of was his hair and she reached down and grabbing a handful, she pulled his face up closer to hers, “Don’t make me come in there.” She said menacingly. She then grabbed one arm and slung him towards the bathroom, his body still entangled in the sheets, spinning and sliding like a rag doll across the slick floor. Then, she spun on her heel and was out the door.

As soon as she was out of sight, Sonya rushed over to him. “Taylor, why are you doing this? She could kill you so easily.” She said, as she tried to get him to sit up. He had rolled himself up into a protective ball, silently suffering the pain and humiliation. Sonya looked up at the man who was watching. He shook his head, then reached down to help her do the job they were just instructed to do. Sonya could see the wall Taylor had put up again and she knew he could keep it up for a long time. And she wasn’t looking forward to the next couple of days.


Camille walked into the large central room and looked around. Though a fire was burning in the fireplace, the room was empty. Listening, she heard noises coming from down the hall. She walked to Taylor’s room, but it was empty as well. She did hear Sonya’s voice though, and a man’s voice as well. Probably that man from last night, she thought to herself. She sat the backpack down, then opened it, taking out the teddy bear. She walked over to the door to the bathroom and knocked. “Yeah?” Sonya called.

“It’s me, can I come in?” Camille answered.

“Go wait out in the big room.” Sonya responded, “We’ll be out in a few.”

“Oh. Well, is Taylor in there with you?” the girl asked, glancing down at the bedraggled looking bear, then at the mess the room was in.

“Yeah—“ Sonya began.

“Is he ok?” Camille interrupted her.

“Yeah, he’s just getting cleaned up. You go on, we’re almost done.” Sonya called through the door again.

“Well, I brought him some clothes. They’re in this backpack, ok?” Camille said before turning to leave.

“Oh, great! Thanks!” Sonya brightened.

Sighing, Camille walked back through the door and down the hall to wait. When she got there though, Beatriz was standing at the window. Turning, she looked at the girl. “Come with me.” She said and she walked past Camille and down the opposite hall, turning into a room. Once inside the room, Camille sat on a couch, then looked around. It was very warm looking compared to the cool elegance of the first one. Here, dark wood dominated the room whose walls were lined with books of all colors and sizes. Large paintings decorated the walls, landscapes, still lifes, and one portrait of Beatriz hung over the fireplace, her dark hair and eyes set off by a wine colored gown. Lamps with stained glass shades were on tables and various books were laid out here and there. In the corner, a piano, it’s black finish gleaming in the soft light. Beatriz sat down on a large, soft chair in front of her. Camille felt very intimidated as the woman looked at her intently. “Have you been good lately? Haven’t lured any famous actors or politicians to their death, have you?” she asked.

“Um, no ma’am.” Camille uttered.

“Well, that’s good to hear.” Beatriz said back. The two looked at each other for a moment, then, thankfully for Camille, Sonya walked in. She pushed her hair off her forehead, sighed and plopped down in the seat next to Camille.

“What’s with the bear?” she asked, looking at Camille and the ratty old stuffed animal she clutched in her hand.

“Oh, it’s for Taylor.” She said. Both women looked at each other.

“You didn’t kill some little kid to get that, did you?” Sonya asked, almost serious.

“No, I didn’t kill anyone. I just thought…you know…he might like it. Um, where is everybody?” she said, looking around the quiet room.

“Well, Kirk and Melanie are still out and about. Guess he’s getting his money’s worth.” Sonya smiled, “And, Taylor is getting a bath, whether he wants it or not.” She smirked. As soon as she said it, they heard noises coming from the hallway and then a slightly dampened Mr. Jones made his way towards them, running his hands through his hair and straightening his tie. His jacket was long gone and he just looked, tired.

“Are you sure you want him staying here with you, madam?” he asked Beatriz. “He’s just…unruly. We could keep him in the basement until he comes around.”

Beatriz stood and looked at the man. “I’ve never seen you look defeated Mr. Jones.” She said. “He’s just a boy.”

He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “Hmmm, I seem to remember someone dumping over a bed just over an hour ago.” He said.

She looked over at Sonya. She had been too angry before, she knew. But she was so unaccustomed to her orders not being followed it had enraged her. “True.” She said. “He is maddening, isn’t he?”

All three of the women looked at each other and nodded while Mr. Jones just shook his head. “Well, where is he?” Beatriz asked.

“Dressing. I’ll go escort him here.” He sighed, “Some crutches might have come in handy this evening if he is expected to get himself from room to room.” He said.

Beatriz waved him off, “Psssht—nonsense. He’s strong as a horse.” She said.

Mr. Jones looked at her with an eyebrow raised for a moment, “Of course madam.” He said, then he turned and walked back out the door. As he entered the room, Taylor sat on the bed in a worn pair of blue jeans which hung even lower on his hips than usual since he hadn’t fed for more than two days. His fair skin was now even lighter and his eyes had taken on the shadowed appearance he’d had when he’d first awakened. “Are you ready young master?” he asked the boy. Taylor just looked away. Mr. Jones had been relieved when Sonya had stayed to help him. Taylor had practically had to be carried in to the bathroom, and though he was thin, he was still a couple inches taller than he was. It would have been very hard for him to have gotten the boy there by himself. Once she’d gotten him into the large, sunken tub, Sonya had begun to wash him and speak to him as if he were a little child. And Taylor had sat through it all, resigned to the fact that he had no choice in the matter, but in no way making it easy for any of them. It had reminded Mr. Jones of Reggie, the little dog he had as a boy, sitting there with his tail between his legs and water dripping down his face and sad eyes. The only difference was, Taylor didn’t perk up when he was allowed out of the tub. In fact, after Sonya had left, he’d become much worse to deal with, jerking backwards when Mr. Jones had come near him, splashing water up and over the tub as well as on him, then sliding back in the water allowing it to cover him completely. No matter how long he dealt with these creatures, it was disconcerting for Taylor to remain under the water like that. Even a dead person would float or something. After ten minutes, Mr. Jones had let the water out and Taylor had been almost no help in getting back out again, having to put almost his entire weight on the man, the leg not healed as well as they’d hoped since he had refused to feed. Now, he sat on the bed next to Taylor and looked into his blue eyes, feeling for him. “Son,” he said gently, “the Lady expects you to come to her. You don’t want to disappoint her. Let me help you.” He stood back up and put his hand out. Surprisingly, Taylor grabbed it and pulled himself up. Slowly, they made their way out and down the hallway, through the central room and finally, to the library. They stopped in front of Beatriz, and after making sure Taylor could stand on his own, Mr. Jones backed away and stood in the corner of the room.

“Hmmm, so glad you saw fit to dress so nicely.” She said, standing up. It appeared that blue jeans were the only thing he was wearing and Camille couldn’t help but have a tiny smile on her face looking at him. He held one foot up, using only his big toe for balance, his hair was wet and messy and he had crossed his arms in front of his chest, making the pectoral muscles stand out even more than usual. His face showed no emotion whatsoever and his eyes were dark beneath his brows. “I was hoping the fourth member of your little gang was here, but, I will deal with Melanie when I see her. I suppose she has made up for a few of her transgressions anyway. Still, she, as you three are, are not off the hook entirely.” She then gestured for Taylor to sit down. Sonya moved over and Taylor very gingerly limped over to the couch, looking at both of them before plopping down between them. “Thank you, Taylor. Now, first of all, you managed to take an unwilling person into the fold. Taylor, I am very sorry you were taken from your life and thrust into this one. That actually is a forbidden act—do you wish for Sonya and Camille to be punished for this?”

She watched his eyes flash and the tiniest hint of a smile cross his face. “Like how?” he asked coldly. Sonya and Camille both held their breath, looking over at him, then up to Beatriz.

“Beheading, fire, the other usual ways. Your choice.” She said, knowing what his answer would be.

His eyebrows furrowed and he looked up at her, “No, thank you.” He said, looking away from her.

“Very well.” She said, and she walked over to the fireplace and looked at a small vase, before turning back to face them. “You, Taylor have also committed a sin or two. Let’s see, you took blood from another vampire…” she shook her finger at him, “an absolute no-no. Is there anything you do not understand about that?”

He shook his head. “Very good. Your second sin, you took blood from another vampire.” She walked back and stood directly over him, “Is there anything you don’t understand about THAT?” she asked, placing her hand on her hip. He just looked up at her, his eyes huge. Again, he shook his head. “Good.” She said. “Camille, do you want Taylor to be punished for this?” she asked the girl.

“No.” Camille said softly.

“Very good.” Beatriz said, stepping back from the three. “Taylor, when I say that I want to see you—you are to come to me. I don’t want to hear about chases or trees or biting people. End of story.”

“Whatever.” He said, causing her to raise her eyebrow.

“Think of me as your manager, bodyguard, mother—“

“I HAVE a mother!” he said bitterly.

“Whatever.” She said back. “Now, you have two.” He looked at her disgustedly, then he looked over at Camille, noticing the small brown teddy. For a moment, he just looked at it, then it clicked in his mind. “Where did you get that!!?” he asked. Surprised, she opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She’d wanted to give it to him later, when she could make him feel better about his situation. Now he glared at her, “WHERE did you get that?!!” and before Sonya or Beatriz could do anything, he had his hands around her throat and was pressing his knee into her stomach, “If you touched her, I will KILL you!” he shouted. Sonya tried to pull him off the girl, but he was not giving an inch. With Beatriz’ help, finally, they pulled him away from her. He held the priceless object up to his face, breathing in the scent of his baby sister, then covering his eyes with it, sobbing into it’s tattered brown fur. Mr. Jones had run to them, helping Camille up. Pulling away from him she went to Taylor.

Beatriz and Sonya looked at each other, both still holding onto him. “Taylor, I swear, Zac gave it to me—he said it would make you feel better. I’m sorry,” she cried, “I swear it! He gave it to me!” She placed her hand on his head and leaned down to look into his teary eyes, “I would never hurt one of them. I just wanted you to feel better….” She said, wiping her own eyes.

Beatriz took a breath, then closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she looked down and Taylor had put his head in her lap, “Please, please, please…don’t let them do anything to them. Please, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll quit the band, tell the fans I died—they already believed it once. I’ll change my looks so nobody recognizes me—“ he cried. Sniffing and sobbing and just generally turning into a hysterical mess, he clutched at Beatriz, begging her to keep his family safe.

Sonya looked at the two of them. She never thought she’d see the day that the Lady Beatriz would be sprawled out on the floor, rocking a new vampire like a baby and whispering sweet words into their ear. But, there it was, right in front of her. And Taylor, enraged one moment and melting into an emotional puddle the next, holding a soppy, frumpy old teddy bear…well, she’d known that he would be an adventure, but this was more than she’d ever dreamed of. Camille stood beside her, gazing down at the pair in front of her. The boy she loved who had just tried to kill her—had she been human, the deed would be done…and Beatriz, the most powerful vampire she knew of. When she had decided she wanted more than anything to drink from Taylor, she had no idea where it would lead. If she had, she would have never come within fifty miles of him. She’d wanted a piece of him to have forever. His beauty and his talent had been a shining light to her before she had become what she was now, and she had never wanted it to change. Now, she had been the cause of the greatest change that could ever have come to the boy. And yet, she would give him the appearance of being unchanged for centuries to come. That is, if he survived the next hours and days to come. She wasn’t sure he wouldn’t just die of a broken heart. Beatriz nodded to Mr. Jones, then she maneuvered out from under Taylor. “Stay with him. I’ll be back.” She said, then she gestured for the others to follow her.

Once out in the other room, Beatriz turned to the other two. “Are you alright?” she asked Camille. Camille shrugged, then nodded her head, sniffing. “God! I can’t believe this is happening!” Beatriz exclaimed, flopping down onto the couch in a most un-ladylike manner. Sonya and Camille looked at one another, then back to her. “You know,” she said, “Taylor may not want your heads, but I do.” At that moment, voices were heard and Kirk and Melanie walked into the room. Standing, Beatriz looked over at the two. Both of them froze and she gestured for them to join them, “You need to hear this too—Kirk, you get to be a part of it as well.”

As they walked in, Melanie looked at her friends. Sonya shook her head and Camille just looked over at the fire. “What’s up?” she asked. Then, she and Kirk sat on the sofa.

“Camille, I need you to listen.” Beatriz began, “I know you’re upset—but, we’ve got to get control of this situation. Now.” All four of her charges were watching her, not knowing what to expect. Walking over to the window, she looked out. The sun was still an hour or so away from rising, but she knew the younger ones would be getting tired very soon. She turned back to them. “I just hope the elders don’t end up wanting ALL our heads once this is over. In all my years, this is the first time I’ve had something like this come up.”

“Well, what happened?” Melanie questioned. Kirk looked at them all wishing he’d never agreed to help Melanie in the first place. Mr. Jones walked out and over to Beatriz at that moment and whispered something in her ear. She looked back at him, then turned to them, “Excuse me for one moment. Don’t go anywhere.” She said, then she followed him back to the library.

“Alright, now what the heck happened, man?” Kirk asked Sonya.

Sonya shook her head, “I have never seen her do that before.” She said.

They all turned to her. “What?!” Melanie asked impatiently.

“She slung him across the floor like a Frisbee. A flick of her wrist and he was sliding and spinning….God, I thought she was gonna kill him. Then, she just walked away and made him take a bath.” She looked at the others, “What is up with that?” she furrowed her brow.

“Well, he was getting ripe, Sonya.” Kirk said matter of factly.

She looked over at him, “Whatever.” She said, then she looked back at Camille. “And why did you bring that bear? Damn, he went off the deep end.”

Kirk and Melanie were thoroughly lost. Camille spoke quietly. “I just wanted to help. His brother gave it to me. I guess he thought I stole it or had to do something in order to get it.”

“What did he do?” Melanie asked, wishing she’d been here to see it all.

Just then, Beatriz walked back in still looking a bit stressed. “Alright. Now, Kirk, I know you are really not to blame at all in any of this, but I would take it as a personal favor to me if you would continue to assist me in this….situation.” she said. She pulled a chair over and sat in front of them, “Did you drink from the girl?” she asked him.

“No, you told me not to.” He replied.

“Good.” She said, relieved. She then looked over at the clock on the mantle, “It’s 4:15, see if you can find her again and bring her back here. If not, then bring another. And hurry, I think our boy is starting to lose it. He’s hard enough to deal with without his starving himself.”

Kirk stood, “What if she doesn’t want to come?” he asked.

“Then you MAKE her want to come.” Beatriz stated.

“Uh, I’m not as good at that as you guys, remember?” he said.

Beatriz looked at the three girls before her, then back at Kirk. “Then tie her up, or whatever it takes. Just don’t get followed.”

Once he’d gone out the door, she sighed and leaned back in the chair, “Men.” She muttered. All three nodded. She then looked at Melanie, “Did you have fun this evening?”

“Yeah,” she grinned, “a good time was had by all.” Sonya rolled her eyes and Beatriz just watched all three for a moment. Camille still seemed far away. Add in Kirk and they made for an interesting group.

Sighing once more, Beatriz sunk down in the chair and put her feet up on the table between them. Sonya watched closely. She’d never seen her so casual, and yet, so intense. Beatriz was always…regal and formal, very unemotional, but two days with Taylor had taken a toll on her. “Lady, what are we going to do?” she asked.

Beatriz shook her head, “I can’t actually believe what I’m going to do. I just feel this situation is different than what we’re all used to dealing with. This one has special considerations.” She put her finger to her mouth and chewed on her manicured nail. All three were silent, watching her closely. Suddenly she looked up again, “Who or what is A.V.?” she asked.

The girls looked from one to the other, shaking their heads and shrugging their shoulders. Sonya looked at Beatriz, “I don’t know, what’s it about? Where did you hear it?” she asked.

“Taylor is lying on the floor in the library, holding his teddy and talking about this…whatever it is. He’s not responsive, he’s white as a sheet, he won’t feed…he’s making me crazy.” She said.

“Imagine that.” Melanie said as Camille elbowed her.

“My point is…” Beatriz started, “I’m going to let him go back. I may live to regret it, but at this point, I just think it’s best.”

Three mouths dropped open and three sets of eyes widened. “What?!” Sonya stuttered, “Can you do that?”

“I am doing it. It’s not like there’s any set way of dealing with this. As far as I know, this is a unique situation. If the elders aren’t happy…well, then we may find ourselves in a bit of trouble.”

“But, what if—“ Melanie started but Beatriz cut her off.

“I’ve decided. I suppose I could go in there and slit his throat and it would all be over, but I can’t do that. We owe it to him to let him stay with his family until he finds out for himself that it won’t work. And we all know he will realize it.” She said softly. She then sat up again as Mr. Jones walked into the room. “Yes?” she said.

“I believe, Lady, that he seems to be calling someone. Avery is the name.” He said.

“Oh.” Camille said, sitting up.

All eyes turned to her. “And who would Avery be and why is he calling him?” Beatriz asked.

“Um, Avery is a girl. That’s his little sister.” She said.

“He is a total whacko—I told you guys that from the beginning.” Melanie said, draping her leg over the arm of the velvet sofa. “Are you sure you can’t just go in there and slit his throat? It would make it all so much simpler.” She said.

Beatriz stood up, “No, I don’t think I will.” She said and she followed Mr. Jones back to the library. Sonya and Camille followed as well and Melanie took the opportunity to stretch out on the couch.

Pushing the door open, they all looked in the room. Just as Mr. Jones had said, Taylor was lying on the floor. His right leg propped up on his left knee. He was gazing at the bear and a lovely sound was coming from his lips as he hummed a child-like melody to it. As the clock sounded half past four, Beatriz spoke to Mr. Jones, “It’s too late tonight, but, I’m going to need you to go to his parents tomorrow. Let them know I will be visiting them in the evening.” She then turned to Camille, “You stay with him tonight. When Kirk gets back, we’re going to have to make him feed.” Camille nodded, thinking of the last time she and Melanie got him to do that—and of the consequences it had brought about.

Walking in the room, she looked down at him, “Well, we’ll do what we can…” she said, and then she sat down, leaning against the couch, listening to Taylor’s sweet voice.

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