Celestrial Flights Benefit

Friday March 2nd at 5:00 pm until March 4th 5:00 pm

Randy Roseman will start throwing only to stop for short breaks plus a 36 hole blind draw pro/am doubles.

This is to benefit Celeste Shearer daughter of Greg Shearer of the famous "Goat Farm" disc golf course in Frankfort, Ky. and Jackie Liddington. Celeste is 5 years old and battling leukemia at the University of Kentucky Children's hospital. She is currently going through chemotherapy and will be hospitalized for at least 6 weeks. She will go home then back into the hospital for 6 more weeks of chemotherapy. Randy and the BDGA, Bluegrass Disc Golf Association, wish to help with the cost of losing worktime, food, travel, and many other added expenses through disc golf. Randy is playing for 48 hours and taking any pledges of money per hole. The BDGA will sponsor a tournament March 3rd and donate half the money to Celeste Shearer. The other half will go to the top third winners. There will be many CTPs, other prizes, as well as the ace pool. Please send your pledges to Randy at the attached e-mail address or call him at 859-268-2671. We hope to see you all at Shillito Park in support of Celeste.

Saturday March 3rd 36 hole pro/am doubles
8 to 9am registration
9:15 am players meeting
9:30 tee off
$20 pro and advanced

Randy plans to continue throwing after the 36 holes trying to play 300 plus holes in the 48 hours so come and watch his arm grow…

Contact Randy Roseman phone: 859-268-2671 e-mail: pdga13094@hotmail.com Or Everett Lasley phone: 859-223-4477 e-mail: ebdiscn@aol.com

We hope to see you at Shillito for all or any part of this great cause. Lets join together as disc golfers in support of a great disc golfing family in their time of need.

Thanks…..Randy Roseman, Everett Lasley, and the BDGA

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This page Last modified: Sun Feb 18, 2001 23:49:03 EST