QVIS3 Revision 1.01 =================== MANIFEST qvis3.exe Pentium version of executable. ppro\qvis3.exe Pentium Pro version of executable. qvis3_readme.txt Copy of this file. qvis3_history.txt History of all changes made to qvis3. qvis3_help.txt Explains changes I have made. ==== Changes to 1.04: * Seperate Pentium and Pentium Pro executables. * Added configuration file support. * Broke up documentation into seperate files. * Completely removed need for file to be in a directory with 'quake2' in the path. ==== PENTIUM PRO Included in the ppro folder is a Pentium Pro version of the executable I compiled with the compiler set to optomize for Pentium Pro processors. I have not actually been able to test this on a Pentium Pro (my machine is a simple Pentium of some vintage) so I don't know what actual speed gains are achieved from using it. ==== gddqvis3 is based off of code that id Software has released to the public, but NOT into public domain. Thus, don't try selling this for money on any CD collection or anything or I may not be the only one who gets annoyed. ==== == Geoffrey DeWan gdewan@prairienet.org