Northern Kentucky's Evening Interdenominational
Community Bible Study

Photos for Lesson 8, Gen 12-13

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Abraham's Journeys: From Ur to Haran to Canaan to Egypt to Hebron

Artifacts from Ur (where Abraham was raised). Above left: Ziggurat. Above center: Queen's Harp and Lyre (British Museum). Above right: Silver lyre (British Museum). Below left: Mosaic column (British Museum). Below center: "Ram in a thicket" (British Museum). Below right: "Standard of Ur" (British Museum).

Left: Haran in modern Turkey, where Abraham's father Terah settled after migrating from Ur, and where Abraham received God's call and promise.

Below: Shechem, intersection of Mts. Ebal and Gerizim, where Abraham entered Canaan and built an altar to God.

Below: Area of Bethel and Ai, where Abraham first settled and built another altar to God.

The pyramids (left) and Sphinx (right) were already in Egypt when Abraham sought refuge because of a famine in Canaan.

Abraham returned from Egypt to the Bethel-Ai area. Below: This is the approximate view of Abraham and Lot as they went their separate ways. Lot went to the left to the Jordan River valley; Abraham went right along the hills to Hebron.

Left: The great trees of Mamre in the region of Hebron, where Abraham settled after he and Lot parted company.